Adventures in freezing baby food

My children are growing up so fast and they are already eating rice and oatmeal. I called my pediatrician to ask what she recommended as their first foods after the grains should be. My pediatrician recommended the orange family of vegetables; carrots, sweet potato, and squash/ pumpkin. This was good news to me because I have already frozen a ton of carrots, and will be receiving squash over the next few weeks from the farm shares. 

How did I freeze my baby food? I simply steamed peeled carrots. Once the carrots were soft, I threw into a blender and pureed until it was a semi-smooth consitancy. Then I took the pureed mixture and poured it into ice cube trays and filled each cube 3/4 of the way full. Once the cubes were frozen, I put them all in a bag dated and labeled. Each cube is good for one feeding to start out. As they get bigger and can tolerate larger portion, you can mix two different cubes, such as 1 pea cube + 1 carrot cube= 1 serving of peas and carrots. 

I have frozen a bunch of different pureed fruits and vegetables as I got them from the farm in anticipation for the days my children would eat solid food. Peas, carrots, plums, peaches, blueberries, cherries, green beans, and much, much more.  I also own a deep freezer so they will last longer than in a regular freezer and are less likely to get freezer burned. Since I have never done this before, I’ve been winging the freezing of baby food. I’ve been guessing at what would freeze well based on experience of what freezes well for meals I cook for myself. For example, potatoes turn black when frozen raw, and turn mealy when frozen cooked, so I would never freeze sweet potato or regular potato for baby food. 

As I begin to feed them various solid foods, I will continue to update this page with what vegetables I find to work, and the ones that don't work so well. I'll also be posting them in the order that my pediatrician recommends for my children, but go by what your pediatrician recommends. Mine told me to start with orange vegetables, and to feed them in the early afternoon, lunch or an early dinner would be preferable. She doesn't like serving the vegetables in the morning. Also she told me to not start with fruits because then my kids may prefer the sweetness of fruits and refuse the vegetables all together. It makes sense to me, heck I would refuse vegetables if I could have a nice piece of juicy melon instead. 

As I move on to the different stages of solid foods, I will update this page to take about the results. So please check in to see my adventure in the world of solid food. Pictures and recipes will also be posted here to help assist those of you who want to also make your own. Since I like to make 1 big batch and freeze it, instead of making fresh every day, my recipes will be written that way. 

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